I am delighted to be in Sonoma County and ready to read for you from the latest deck in my tarot library, Angel Tarot Cards by Radleigh Valentine. Connecting with the angels and inviting their energy to be present to blend with the energy of the tarot creates a joyful, experiential opportunity to approach one’s questions and answers from a deeply gentle and heart-centered place. I am proud to add CATR certification (as a Certified Angel Tarot Reader) to my own Heart’s Compass approach.
Though there’s rain in the forecast, the sun is out in my heart and I hope to see you at Poet’s Corner Bookstore this coming Saturday, February 1 from 1-3 pm. I’m offering ten minute three card draws for free when you purchase any book from Poet’s Corner; or $20 donation without any purchase (on a first come, first served basis). Tarot Blessings!